Georgios Kallenos has more than 25 years experience in the areas of Information Technology, Property Development and Investments.
He is the founder and the Managing director of G. Kallenos Infosystems Ltd which specializes in the area of customized Software applications and computer networks, G. Kallenos Developers Ltd which specializes in the planning & development of residential and commercial building projects, and GAPILK Investments Ltd which participates in the share capitals of various innovating companies such as the NIPD Genetics.
Georgios is a graduate from St. John’s University of New York where he has earned a BSc in Economics, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) through a scholarship.
He has served as a member of the board of directors of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (CING) from 2014 – 2018. He is currently a member of the board of directors of the NIPD Genetics.
Georgios currently serves as the District Governor of AHEPA Cyprus, following a successful course as District Lt. Governor and earlier as District Secretary. He has served as President of the AHEPA CY004 “Photos Photiades” Idalion chapter from 2016 – 2021.
Tassos Procopiou has more than 26 years of Business Consulting experience within the Advisory practice of PwC Cyprus, where he is responsible for the provision of consulting services in the areas of Information Technology, Cyber Security, Data Protection and Sustainability Services. He has been a Board Member in PwC Cyprus since 1998.
Tassos Procopiou is a graduate in Civil Engineering (Ing.) from the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) and holder of a Master Degree in Business Informatics (MBI) from the Rotterdam School of Management.
George Tsinontas has more than 25 years of experience in the area of Insurance both Life and General. He has worked for Eurolife from 1993 – 2003.
He is the founder and Managing Director of Premium Insurance Agency Ltd which specialises in the areas of Life, Health, Liability, Property, Accident, Motor and Marine Insurances.
George is a graduate of Baruch College, New York, where he has earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration.
He is one of the founders of AHEPA Cyprus (District 27) and is an active member of Chapter CY001 “Georgios E. Paraskevaides OBE” Nicosia in Cyprus. He has served AHEPA Cyprus from the position of the District Treasurer and District Warden since 2004.
Constantinos Kassianides has more than 20 years of extensive experience in
Telecommunications and Satellite Communications.
Since 2003, he has been with HELLAS-SAT, a satellite operator company, where he
held the positions of Payload Manager, Head of R&D Department and Commercial &
Marketing Manager Teleport Services.
He currently holds the position of Product
Manager – Managed Services.
Between 1998 and 2002 he was a part-time lecturer at the University of Glamorgan,
UK, in the area of Telecommunications, Media and Computer Programming.
He has
also been with the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation as a Telecommunications
Engineer in the TV Broadcasting Department.
He has been the project manager/coordinator of European Space Agency (ESA) and
European Union funded projects as well as other national projects.
He has been participated in International Conferences and forums with publications
and conference papers in the field of satellite communications.
He has also been an external examiner at the Cranfield University for PhD projects on Satellite
Constantinos holds a PhD in Satellite Communications and a BEng (Hons) in
Electronic and Communication Engineering from the University of Glamorgan in the
UK and a Diploma of Technician Engineer in Electrical Engineering from Higher
Technical Institute (HTI) in Cyprus.
Since recently, he serves AHEPA Cyprus as the President of Chapter CY004
“Photos Photiades” Idalion and as the District Athletic Director.
Chapter CY001
“George E. Paraskevaides OBE” Nicosia
President: Athanasios Demetriades
Chapter ACY003
“Kyriacos Matsis” Engomi
President: Yiannakis Matsis
Chapter ACY004
“Photos Photiades” Idalion
President: Constantinos Kassianides
Chapter ACY005
“Michael Zampelas” Kaimakli
President: Tassos Procopiou
Chapter CY002
President: Savvas Sakkadas
Chapter CY006
“Phanos Pitiris” Paphos
President: Chris Lazarides
Chapter CY007
President: Neophytos Zambas
Chapter CY008
President: Antonis Antoniou
Governors' History

2004 - 2008

2018 - 2021